You have a choice.
Option A: storing your money, time, and energy in a currency that is *mandated* to lose value every year via inflation.
Option B: storing your money, time, and energy in a currency that *mathematically guarantees* your money, time, and energy will never be stolen from you.
Let's make sure you make the right choice.
Here is what happens with Option A:
(spoiler alert: Option A is the U.S. Dollar and all other political currencies)
In 2023, you worked 40 hours a week and made $100,000 for the year.
You saved all $100,000 and kept it in the USD.
At 2% annual inflation (the mandated rate by the Federal Reserve), your money becomes worth $98,000 next year.
After 35 years, that original $100,000 is worth $50,000.
Inflation and the USD just said that you only worked 20 hours a week in 2023.
But you didn’t. You worked 40 hours.
Nope. Inflation says you only worked 20 hours.
The U.S. Dollar stole 1,040 hours of your time.
The U.S. Dollar stole 43 days of your work.
The U.S. Dollar stole $50,000 of your work’s value.
And that's at 2% inflation. Reality is much worse. And that's in the United States, what about countries with 40% inflation rates?
You did nothing to deserve this other than existing in a monetary system where this is a reality.
The U.S. Dollar steals from its earners and holders *every* year.
Option B is Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is a monetary system that runs purely on code that cannot be changed by anyone, is rooted in the laws of physics and math, and is protected by a computer network that does 600 quintillion calculations per second.
Per second.
That's the choice you are facing. Putting your money in a system that is constantly manipulated by humans and inflated away, robbing you of your time and energy, or putting your money in a system that can *never* be manipulated by humans and is secured by the largest computer network human civilization has ever seen.
Nobody can ever create new bitcoins, it was designed that way. This means your time, energy, and money can never be inflated and stolen from you.
Your time, energy, and money will always be protected from power-hungry and greedy bankers, politicians, and governments when you store your money in Bitcoin.
Throw that understanding together and then ask yourself this:
Would you rather store your money and have it go down in purchasing power every year, or would you rather store your money and have it go up in purchasing power every year?
submitted by /u/suuperfli [comments]
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